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RequestHeaders event

Fires when wodWebServer receives request headers from the user.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_RequestHeaders (ByRef User)
The RequestHeaders(object,User) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodWebServer
UserWebUser object. Reference to the user who sent the request.


RequestHeaders is fired after connected user sends request headers, but before any body content is sent - if any will be sent at all. This place is convenient for determining if user is about to upload files so you can prepare yourself and setup Request.Filename property to some exact location (otherwise, wodWebServer will save received body to temporary location).

If you plan to support PUT methods of HTTP protocol, you might want to use this event to point directly to location where file will be saved. But this is not it's only purpose. You have full access to Request.Headers at this point - and it tells you quite a bit about body content that is about to arrive.

If you're expecting files to be uploaded, you can set Uploads.AutoParse property in this event.

