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BitCount property

Determines number of bits in the key.


An Integer value.


  • Basic
object.BitCount (KeyType)
The BitCount(object,KeyType) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type SSHKeyPair.
KeyTypeRequired. A SSHKeyTypes enumeration, as described in settings. Type of the key (RSA, DSA or ECDSA).


The settings for KeyType are:

Constant Value Description
RSAkey0 Uses RSA cipher to create keys.
DSAkey 1 Uses DSA cipher to create keys.
ECDSAkey 2 Uses ECDSA cipher to create keys.

This property will return number of bits in specified private key. Number of bits for each key is specified in Generate method when key is created. Most common value is 1024, but for stronger encryption sometimes this value can be larger.

