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wodTunnelNotify object

wodTunnelNotify Class

ChannelStopCalled when specific channel has stopped.
ConnectedCalled when wodSSHTunnel connects to a remote server.
CryptoInformationCalled when wodSSHTunnel provides information about the selected algorithms.
DisconnectedCalled when wodSSHTunnel disconnects from the server.
HostFingerprintCalled when the remote server provides public key fingerprint information.
LoginChallengeCalled when the remote server provides public key fingerprint information.
SocksBindCalled when a user wants to open an incoming connection through a socks server.
SocksConnectCalled when a user wants to open an outgoing connection through a socks server.
StateChangeCalled when wodSSHTunnel changes its state.
UserConnectedCalled when a user connects to the listening channel.
UserConnectingCalled when a user wants to connect to the listening channel.
UserDisconnectedCalled when a user disconnects from a channel.
UserStateChangeCalled when user's state changes.

