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ChannelStart method




  • Basic
object.ChannelStart Owner, Chan
The ChannelStart(object,Owner,Chan) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodTunnelNotify.
OwnerRequired. A wodTunnelCom object. Reference to the wodTunnelCom instance that called this notification method.
ChanRequired. A Channel object. Reference to the channel that was started.


This method is called only if you have implemented the IwodSSHTunnelNotify interface in your application and the wodTunnel1.Notification property has received a reference to an instance of your implementation.

The ChannelStart notification method is called after wodSSHTunnel successfully starts listening for a predefined port (for LocalListen) or gets notification from the server that it has started listening (and accepting) incoming connections (for RemoteListen). After this notification method is called, you can start using this channel for tunneling.

If you want to stop the channel, call the Stop method.

