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Connected method

Called when wodSSHTunnel connects to a remote server.




  • Basic
object.Connected Owner
The Connected(object,Owner) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodTunnelNotify.
OwnerRequired. A wodTunnelCom object. Reference to the wodTunnelCom instance that called this notification method.


This method is called only if you have implemented the IwodSSHTunnelNotify interface in your application and the wodTunnel1.Notification property has received a reference to an instance of your implementation.

After you have set up the hostname and proper login credentials and you have issued the Connect method, wodSSHTunnel will try to connect to the server and notify you when connection occurs. It relies upon the use of a notification method because it cannot operate in blocking mode

When you the Connected notification method is called, you can Start a specific channel that you want to forward or you can call StartAll and forget about them. However, if an error occurrs, the Disconnected notification will be called instead. This will contain the ErrorCode and ErrorText arguments which are set to the error description. In this case you will have to reconnect to the server.

