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PutFileAt method

Sends a file to the server, appending it at given position.




  • Basic
object.PutFileAt[LocalFile], [RemotePath]
The PutFileAt(object,LocalFile,RemotePath,RemotePos) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFtpDLX.
LocalFileOptional. A Variant value. Full path to filename on your local disk.
RemotePathOptional. A Variant value. Full path to filename where local file will be copied on server.
RemotePosRequired. A long value. Position in the file at which copying will start.


The PutFileAt function will copy files from the local computer to the remote server, starting at the given position. During the transfer, the Progress event will be fired several times, depending on your network speed and length of the file. When copying is complete, the Done event will be fired.

If an error occurs during the transfer, the Done event containing the ErrorCode and a description of the error will be fired immediately and the transfer will be aborted. If you want to continue the transfer at a later time, or you want to resend the file, initiate the PutFileAt function again (immediately or after reconnecting, depending on the error that occurred). You can NOT use the Resume property to restart the transfer. Increase the value of the RemotePos argument instead!

Please read help for PutFile to get more general info about downloading a file.

If you transfer files larger than 2.4GB use PutFileAt64 method instead.

