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DirItem Class

AccessTimeHolds last access time for the file or directory.
AdditionalNameHolds additional name specified by the server.
Extra1Extra property for unknown data.
Extra2Extra property for unknown data.
Extra3Extra property for unknown data.
FullLineHolds full line for the item.
GroupHolds file or directory group.
ModificationTimeHolds last modification time for the file or directory.
NameHolds name of the file or directory.
OwnerHolds file or directory owner.
PermissionsHolds file or directory permissions.
SelectedDetermines if item is selected.
SizeHolds size of the file or directory (lower 32 bits).
SizeHiHolds size of the file or directory (higher 32 bits).
TagTag for miscellaneous use.
TypeHolds item type.
UnicodeNameHolds UTF8 encoded name of the file or directory.
VisibleHolds UTF8 encoded name of the file or directory.

