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SiteReply method

Called with result of SITE command.




  • Basic
object.SiteReply Owner, ReplyCode, ReplyText
The SiteReply(object,Owner,ReplyCode,ReplyText) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type IwodFtpNotify.
OwnerA wodFtpDLXCom object.
ReplyCodeA short value. Holds FTP result of SITE command.
ReplyTextA String value. Holds text result of SITE command.


This method is called only if you implemented IwodFtpNotify interface in your application, and wodFtpDLX.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

This notification method is called as result of Site method call. When SITE command completes on the server, it provides some result (usually from external command it executed on the server), and those results are shown using this notification method. You can then execute new commands within this method. This is only notification method called as result of Site method call.

