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LoginPassword notification

Called when user wants to authenticate to the server.


  • Basic
object.LoginPassword Owner, User, Login, Password, Action
The LoginPassword(object,Owner,User,Login,Password,Action) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFTPDNotify.
OwnerA wodFTPDCom object. Reference to wodFTPServer instance that called this notification method.
UserA FtpUser object. Reference to user who provided his login and password.
LoginA String value. Holds login/username user provided.
PasswordA String value. Holds password user provided.
ActionA FtpActions enumeration, as described in settings. When set to Deny/SilentDeny, wodFTPServer denies this action.


NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodFTPDNotify interface in your application, and wodFTPD.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

LoginPassword notification method is called when the client tries to authenticate with the server using his Login and Password. At this point, you should test these values against one stored in your code (or your database of users), and set Action argument accordingly. So, if you find that user provided valid Login and Password - set Action = Allow. If he didn't provide valid information, set Action = Deny. wodFTPServer will allow 3 attempts for the client to login before he gets disconnected.

You can also set User.UseNTAuthentication property to True, so the client's credentials are validated by your NT system, not by yourself. Or, you can change Login and Password properties from within LoginPassword event code, and send them 'faked' to NT validation. This is your choice.

Even if you set Action = Allow, doesn't mean client is authenticated immediately. Still, it's possible that you set Authentication property to require both the password and the certificate - in which case wodFTPServer will wait for certificate information as well. You should wait for Connected notification when user finally manages to connect.

The settings for Action are
Constant Value Description
Deny0 Deny execution of the action.
Allow 1 Allow to execute action.
SilentDeny2 Silently deny execution of the action.
SilentAllow 3 Silently allow to execute action.

