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BufferSizeHolds size of upload buffer.
BytesDownloadHolds total number of bytes user downloaded.
BytesUploadHolds total number of bytes user uploaded.
CertificateHolds client's certificate/public key, if provided.
DomainHolds domain information for the user.
FileLockingDetermine if files are locked during transfers for this user.
FilesDownloadHolds total number of files user downloaded.
FilesUploadHolds total number of files user uploaded.
HomeDirHolds home directory for the user.
IndexReturns index of the user.
LastActionSpecifies action to perform in the event.
LoginHolds login information.
MaxTransferRateDetermines max bytes per second client can use.
MyIPHolds IP address shown to the user.
PasswordHolds user's password.
ProtocolReturns protocol client is using.
RemoteIPHolds originating IP address of the user.
RemotePortHolds originating port of the user.
StateHolds current user's state.
TagTag for misc usage.
ThreadsDetermines if data socket is in separate thread.
TimeConnectedHolds time information when user connected.
TransferFilenameHolds filename of last transferred file.
UIDReturns unique ID for the user since server started.
UseNTAuthenticationDetermines if native NT authentication is used for user's access.
VirtualFilesHolds collection of virtual files for the user.
VirtualFoldersHolds collection of virtual folders for the user.