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MaxDataPort property

Specifies highest port that can be used for incoming data connections.


A Long value.


  • Basic
object.MaxDataPort [= value]
The MaxDataPort(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFTPD.
valueA Long value.


When MaxDataPort property is set to value different than 0, it defines highest port number to be used for data connections in FTP and FTPS protocols (this property is ignored in SFTP protocol). It is used when client sends PASV command, and server needs to open second, data connection, to transfer file or directory listing.

This property is used when your server is behind a firewall and only certain range of ports is accessible through the firewall. Usually, these are values a bit above 1024, although any range between 1024-65535 can be used.

If you don't set this value, or is set to 0, wodFTPServer will not use any specific range, and will always use whatever port windows assigns.

