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RelativePath property

Holds relative path of virtual file, as seen by the user.


A String value.


  • Basic
object.RelativePath [= value]
The RelativePath(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type VirtualFile.
valueA String value.


RelativePath property contains path, as seen by connected user, where virtual file should 'show up'. Typicaly, this will be something like "/home/joe" meaning that when user changes path to "/home/joe" he will see one more file you specified in Name property.

RelativePath property supports wildcards as well. If full relative path matches given wildcard pattern, VirtualFile will be shown in the path. For example, it is allowed to use '*' for RelativePath - and VirtualFile will be shown in each directory accessed by the user.

