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Visibility property

Determines when virtual folder is visible.


A Visibilities enumeration.


  • Basic
object.Visibility [= value]
The Visibility(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type VirtualFolder.
valueA Visibilities enumeration, as described in remarks.


Visibility property defines if Virtual Folder is allowed to exist twice in user's path, or if it can exist together with any other Virtual Folder. This property is used to prevent unlimited deep directory levels in a form of

when VirtualFolder.RelativePath contains wildcards, such as '*'.


Constant Value Description
AlwaysVisible0 NoAnyRecursion
NoSelfRecursion 1 Same virtual folder cannot be shown twice in relative path.
NoAnyRecursion2 Not any two virtual folders can be shown in same relative path.

