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Threads property

Determines if user's data connection is executed in separate thread.


A Boolean value.


  • Basic
object.Threads [= value]
The Threads(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFTPD.
valueA Boolean value.


This property determines if clients that use FTP and FTPS protocols will have all their data connections executed in separate threads. This will prevent wodFTPServer from "freezing" when large file transfers are executed, since complete data processing is executed outside of main thread - so it has enough time to refresh your GUI, accept new users, etc..

Upon each new connection, value of this property is copied to User.Threads property, so you can define it on per-user basis.

NOTE: when Threads = True, wodFTPServer cannot fire events that deal with file content, since most of container environments (such as VB) will not accept events from outside of main thread. So, no matter what is the setting of MonitorTransfers property, FileTransferData event will not be fired.

Other events, such as Progress, are correctly fired, since they are not time dependant and do not interfere with actual content that is transferred.

