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Progress event

Fires during file transfer.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_Progress(User, Position, Total)
The Progress(object,User,Position,Total) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFTPD.
UserA FtpUser object. Reference to user who is transferring file.
PositionA Long value. Current position of file transfer.
TotalA Long value. Total size of file that will be transferred, if known.


Progress event is fired during file upload or download. You can track and calculate client's speed using this property.

If user is uploading file, its size is not known before upload is completed - thus Total and Position arguments will always contain same value - total number of bytes uploaded so far.

Progress event will be fired until file size exceeds 4.2gb. After that size, Progress64 event will be fired instead.

NOTE: it is possible that Position or Total values become negative - it is because unsigned values are used, but VB (and other environments) expect to see signed values. If this happens, we suggest you call Progress64 event from within Progress event, and apply code as shown in Progress64 help page.

