Re: SMTP Relay quetions (General questions)
I want to use standard procedure for relaying messages.
In article you provided there is no information how to handle situation when in one message there are addresses which are own (belong to current SMTP) and have to be relayed.
I am asking only about this situation.
To don`t produce a lot of posts, lets better look at example:
My SMTP server is responsible for address:
Message is sending to two addreses: and
First situation - Relay is not allowed at my SMTP:
In MailTo event I am checking addresses., my address(Action=SmtpActions.Allow); my address(Action=mtpActions.Deny;)
Looks ok, I accepted my address and refused another. But in real, if set Action=mtpActions.Deny even for one address in Mailto event, the message sending will be aborted. And my local user also will not get this message. Is it correct?
Second situation - Relay is allowed at my SMTP:
In MailTo event I am checking addresses., my address(Action=SmtpActions.Allow); OK, not my addres (Action=mtpActions.Allow;)
Now, in MailReceived event I have to relay it. But before I have to remove from destinations my own address Right? How?