Re: Uploading/Download (server/client both created - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Uploading/Download (server/client both created (General questions)

by wodSupport, Saturday, December 18, 2004, 00:22 (7078 days ago) @ Dennis

One thing still puzzles me though.
I'm using the SFTP Server sample as a model for the server I'll be using for this project since it handles uploads/downloads automaticaly.
But in the code it says this:

Private Sub SSHD1_Received(ByVal User As wodSSHDComLIB.ISSHUser, ByVal ServiceIndex As Long, ByVal BytesCount As Long)
' you can NOT put anything here for SFTP connections

' even more, don't try to use Send method !!!
' if you do so, you will interfere with packet integrity!
End Sub[/code]

If I can't recieve or send data to the client, how would I go about sending/recieving commands like for the 'UserList' and such?

You don't have to deal with SFTP related server stuff. wodSSHServer deals with it - you just have to allow/deny actions in corresponding events.

And, since SFTP is protocol that runs on top of encrypted SSH layer - trying User.Send would send raw data on that SSH layer. Client would be confused, since it received packets which he thinks are SFTP packets (and are not), and would probably drop connection since he wouldn't understand them.

Hope it helps.

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