Re: Problem getting Listing for UNIX Type: L8 Serv - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Problem getting Listing for UNIX Type: L8 Serv (General questions)

by dtw01, Monday, September 25, 2006, 18:58 (6426 days ago) @ wodDrazen

No luck. If I change the CWD command to CRLF, then the next thing that happens is I'm getting disconnected from the server.

Calling Ftp1.ListDir(<virtual directory>)
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Setting transfer mode
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: TYPE A
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: TYPE is now ASCII
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Changing current directory
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: CWD <virtual directory>
Args.Command has been manually changed to crlf. Args.Command:

Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Disconnected from server
Connection was closed by foreign host.

Interesting, I added error trapping in the DoneEvent and the CWD <virtual directory> command is coming back with an error. Nothing very discriptive (230 <virtual directory>), but the point is it's generating an error and possibly why it's not moving on to do the PORT & LIST commands that would typically follow.

Calling Ftp1.ListDir(<virtual directory>)
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Setting transfer mode
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: TYPE A
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: TYPE is now ASCII
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Changing current directory
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: CWD <virtual directory>
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: <virtual directory>
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Connected to server - idle
***Error*** Ftp1_DoneEvent Args.Error: 230 Args.Description: <virtual directory>
Total Files in DirItems structure = 0

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