Re: Able to getfile, but unable to put file? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Able to getfile, but unable to put file? (General questions)

by Wee Ping, Tan, Thursday, February 02, 2006, 02:56 (6684 days ago) @ wodSupport

What is 40431? Can you get ErrorText inside Done event?


Hi Kreso,
I realised that when I issue this command:
ActiveXCtl0.Connect 10.x.x.x , 21 , FTP

The code step into the connected event: Private Sub ActiveXCtl0_Connected(ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)

The ErrorCode value = 0 and ErrorText =
Which I assume is a good connection.
Immediately, It goes into the done event: Private Sub ActiveXCtl0_Done(ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
This time, the ErrorCode = 40501 and ErrorText =
Does this means the connection is not good as the errorCode is not = 0
And why does it goes into Done event upon connected as there wasn't other commands being issued. What was being done?

Thanks for advising

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