Re: Event Based Operations Problem - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Event Based Operations Problem (General questions)

by wodSupport, Tuesday, August 31, 2004, 15:09 (7186 days ago) @ Anyz


you're using SFTP and wodFTPServer on the server-side?

In that case, use this code

once only:
[code]Dim c as new wodCertificate
c.GenerateKey RSAKey
c.SaveKey c:\somewhere [/code]

and then later on
[code]Dim c as new wodCertificate
c.LoadKey c:\somewhere

Dim ftp as new wodFtpDLXCom
set ftp.Certificate = c
ftp.Authentication = authCertificate
ftp.Login = something

on wodFTPServer's side, in LoginCertificate event, set Action=Allow. This will blindly accept all certificates (BAD IDEA!) but good enough for your tests. You may need to set wodFTPServer's Authentication property to authCertificate too - so it's aware you will use your public key for authentication.

Can you try that?

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