Set-permission-for-files-that-will-be-updated - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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All ** [Visual Basic] ** [C#] ** [VB.NET] **

Set permission for files that will be updated
VB code
Dim WithEvents wodAppUpdate1 As wodAppUpdateCom
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set wodAppUpdate1 = New wodAppUpdateCom

    'Using Check Method we will open our configuration file and check for update.
    wodAppUpdate1.Check ""
End Sub

'CheckDone Event fires when component has finished checking for new updates.
Private Sub wodAppUpdate1_CheckDone(ByVal NewFiles As Long, ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
    If ErrorCode = 0 Then
        If NewFiles Then
            If MsgBox("New files found. Download?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "New files found!") = vbYes Then

                'Permissions Property can be used to set (or retrieve) permissions of certain user or group for files that will be replaced.
                'In this example we will set execute, read and write permission for group Everyone for a first file that will be updated.
                'S-1-1-0 is SID value for group Everyone. Other known SIDs you can find here. You can use also name of the user or group instead SID value.
                wodAppUpdate1.Files(0).Permission("S-1-1-0") = PermExecute + PermRead + PermWrite
                'If new file (files) is found we can download it using Download Method.
            End If
            MsgBox "No new versions found. Your application is up-to-date."
        End If
        MsgBox "There was an error checking for updates: " & ErrorText
    End If
End Sub

'DownloadDone Event fires when component finishes downloading all files.
Private Sub wodAppUpdate1_DownloadDone(ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
    If ErrorCode = 0 Then
        If MsgBox("Download successful. Replace now?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Replace files..") = vbYes Then
            'Finally when new file (files) is downloaded we can update it using Update Method.
        End If
        MsgBox "There was an error downloading: " & ErrorText
    End If
End Sub
VB.NET code
Dim WithEvents wodAppUpdate1 As WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.wodAppUpdateCom
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    wodAppUpdate1 = New WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.wodAppUpdateCom

    'Using Check Method we will open our configuration file and check for update.
End Sub

'CheckDone Event fires when component has finished checking for new updates.
Private Sub wodAppUpdate1_CheckDone(ByVal NewFiles As Integer, ByVal ErrorCode As Integer, ByVal ErrorText As String) Handles wodAppUpdate1.CheckDone
    If ErrorCode = 0 Then
        If NewFiles Then
            If MsgBox("New files found. Download?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "New files found!") = vbYes Then

                'Permissions Property can be used to set (or retrieve) permissions of certain user or group for files that will be replaced.
                'In this example we will set execute, read and write permission for group Everyone for a first file that will be updated.
                'S-1-1-0 is SID value for group Everyone. Other known SIDs you can find here. You can use also name of the user or group instead SID value.
                wodAppUpdate1.Files(0).Permission("S-1-1-0") = WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.PermissionsEnum.PermExecute + WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.PermissionsEnum.PermRead + WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.PermissionsEnum.PermWrite

                'If new file (files) is found we can download it using Download Method.
            End If
            MsgBox("No new versions found. Your application is up-to-date.")
        End If
        MsgBox("There was an error checking for updates: " & ErrorText)
    End If
End Sub

'DownloadDone Event fires when component finishes downloading all files.
Private Sub wodAppUpdate1_DownloadDone(ByVal ErrorCode As Integer, ByVal ErrorText As String) Handles wodAppUpdate1.DownloadDone
    If ErrorCode = 0 Then
        If MsgBox("Download successful. Replace now?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Replace files..") = vbYes Then
            'Finally when new file (files) is downloaded we can update it using Update Method.
        End If
        MsgBox("There was an error downloading: " & ErrorText)
    End If
End Sub
C# code
WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.wodAppUpdateCom wodAppUpdate1;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    wodAppUpdate1 = new WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.wodAppUpdateCom();
    wodAppUpdate1.CheckDone += new WODAPPUPDATECOMLib._IwodAppUpdateComEvents_CheckDoneEventHandler(wodAppUpdate1_CheckDone);
    wodAppUpdate1.DownloadDone += new WODAPPUPDATECOMLib._IwodAppUpdateComEvents_DownloadDoneEventHandler(wodAppUpdate1_DownloadDone);

    //Using Check Method we will open our configuration file and check for update.
    wodAppUpdate1.Check("", null);

//CheckDone Event fires when component has finished checking for new updates.
void wodAppUpdate1_CheckDone(int NewFiles, int ErrorCode, string ErrorText)
    if (ErrorCode == 0)
        if (NewFiles > 0)
            DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("New files found. Download?", "New files found!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)

                //Permissions Property can be used to set (or retrieve) permissions of certain user or group for files that will be replaced.
                //In this example we will set execute permission for group Everyone for a first file that will be updated.
                //S-1-1-0 is SID value for group Everyone. Other known SIDs you can find here. You can use also name of the user or group instead SID value.
                wodAppUpdate1.Files[0].set_Permission("S-1-1-0", WODAPPUPDATECOMLib.PermissionsEnum.PermExecute);

                //If new file (files) is found we can download it using Download Method.
            MessageBox.Show("No new versions found. Your application is up-to-date.");
        MessageBox.Show("There was an error checking for updates: " + ErrorText);

//DownloadDone Event fires when component finishes downloading all files.
void wodAppUpdate1_DownloadDone(int ErrorCode, string ErrorText)
    if (ErrorCode == 0)
        DialogResult resultUpd = MessageBox.Show("Download successful. Replace now?", "Replace files..", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

        if (resultUpd == DialogResult.Yes)
            //Finally when new file (files) is downloaded we can update it using Update Method.
        MessageBox.Show("There was an error downloading: " + ErrorText);