Receive-POP3-html-part-of-the-message - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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All ** [Visual Basic] ** [C#] ** [VB.NET] **

Receive POP3 html part of the message
VB code
Dim wodPop3 As wodPop3Com
Set wodPop3 = New wodPop3Com

'First we set up the hostname, login and password for POP3 server.
wodPop3.HostName = "your_pop3_hostname"
wodPop3.Login = "your_pop3_login"
wodPop3.Password = "your_pop3_password"
wodPop3.Blocking = True 'Use synchronous connections
'Then we connect to POP3 server.
'Using GetAll all messages will be downloaded from server.
'We can disconnect from server now because messages are downloaded.

Dim i As Integer
'We will go though all downloaded messages using Pop3Msgs collection.
For i = 0 To wodPop3.Messages.Count - 1
    Debug.Print ("Message:   " & i + 1)
    Debug.Print ("Subject:   " & wodPop3.Messages(i).Subject) 'Display message subject
    'In order to receive text/html part of the message we will use HTMLText Property.
    Debug.Print ("HTML part: " & wodPop3.Messages(i).HTMLText)
Next i
VB.NET code
Dim wodPop3 As New WODPOP3COMLib.wodPop3Com

'First we set up the hostname, login and password for POP3 server.
wodPop3.Hostname = "your_pop3_hostname"
wodPop3.Login = "your_pop3_login"
wodPop3.Password = "your_pop3_password"
wodPop3.Blocking = True 'Use synchronous connections
'Then we connect to POP3 server.
'Using GetAll all messages will be downloaded from server.
'We can disconnect from server now because messages are downloaded.

Dim i As Integer
'We will go though all downloaded messages using Pop3Msgs collection.
For i = 0 To wodPop3.Messages.Count - 1
    Console.WriteLine("Message:   " & i + 1)
    Console.WriteLine("Subject:   " & wodPop3.Messages(i).Subject) 'Display message subject
    'In order to receive text/html part of the message we will use HTMLText Property.
    Console.WriteLine("HTML part: " & wodPop3.Messages(i).HTMLText)
Next i
C# code
WODPOP3COMLib.wodPop3Com wodPop3 = new WODPOP3COMLib.wodPop3Com();

//First we set up the hostname, login and password for POP3 server.
wodPop3.Hostname = "your_pop3_hostname";
wodPop3.Login = "your_pop3_login";
wodPop3.Password = "your_pop3_password";
wodPop3.Blocking = true; //Use synchronous connections
//Then we connect to POP3 server.
//Using GetAll all messages will be downloaded from server.
//We can disconnect from server now because messages are downloaded.

short i;
//We will go though all downloaded messages using Pop3Msgs collection.
for (i = 0; i <= wodPop3.Messages.Count - 1; i++)
    Console.WriteLine("Message:   " + (i + 1));
    Console.WriteLine("Subject:   " + wodPop3.Messages[i].Subject); //Display message subject
    //In order to receive text/html part of the message we will use HTMLText Property.
    Console.WriteLine("HTML part: " + wodPop3.Messages[i].HTMLText);