Active-Passive-File-Download - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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Active/Passive File Download
Set Passive property to False to make component work in Active mode and vice-versa.
VB code
Dim wodFtpDLX As wodFtpDLXCom
Private Sub Form_Load()

    Set wodFtpDLX = New wodFtpDLXCom

    wodFtpDLX.HostName = "xx"
    wodFtpDLX.Login = "xx"
    wodFtpDLX.Password = "xx"
    wodFtpDLX.Blocking = True

    ' This is all you need to set to make component work in Active/Passive mode
    wodFtpDLX.Passive = False

    ' It's time to connect to server. All we now need to do is call Connect method.

    ' If no exception was thrown, we are connected to server, and it's safe to begin download.
    wodFtpDLX.GetFile "C:\", "/home/remote_filename"

    ' We're done. Disconnect from server.

End Sub
C# code
private WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX wodFtpDLX;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    wodFtpDLX = new WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX();

    wodFtpDLX.Hostname = "xx";
    wodFtpDLX.Login = "xx";
    wodFtpDLX.Password = "xx";
    wodFtpDLX.Blocking = true;

    // This is all you need to set to make component work in Active/Passive mode
    wodFtpDLX.Passive = False;

    // It's time to connect to server. All we now need to do is call Connect method.

    // If no exception was thrown, we are connected to server, and it's safe to begin download.
    wodFtpDLX.GetFile("C:\\", "/home/remote_filename");

    // We're done. Disconnect from server.
VB.NET code
Dim wodFtpDLX As WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    wodFtpDLX = New WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX()

    wodFtpDLX.Hostname = "xx"
    wodFtpDLX.Login = "xx"
    wodFtpDLX.Password = "xx"
    wodFtpDLX.Blocking = True

    ' This is all you need to set to make component work in Active/Passive mode
    wodFtpDLX.Passive = False

    ' It's time to connect to server. All we now need to do is call Connect method.

    ' If no exception was thrown, we are connected to server, and it's safe to begin download.
    wodFtpDLX.GetFile("C:\\", "/home/remote_filename")

    ' We're done. Disconnect from server.
End Sub