Tunneling Example - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Tunneling Example (General questions)

by Kevin, Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 14:35 (7045 days ago)

Would love an example of tunneling. I can connect to the server no problem, but I cannot get access to the database server on the other side, which in this case would be a forwarded request. I have tried the ActiveX control SSHTunnel and that works fine. A little help setting up/understanding the winsock part mentioned in the docs would be great. Also, is there any plans to make this .NET versions have tunneling capabilities like the activex version?


Re: Tunneling Example

by wodSupport, Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 23:26 (7044 days ago) @ Kevin


wodSSHTunnel does all of this for you internally. No plans for NET version yet.. This is short answer..

Now the long one.

Unlike wodSSHTunnel, wodSSH.NET doesn't do port forwarding internally. You can do port forwarding by setting ForwardHost and ForwardPort properties - in which case wodSSH.NET will request port forwarding from the server, and send your bytes to that port instead to remote console. And vice versa - when something comes from that port (instead of coming from the console), Received event is fired.

wodSSH.NET will NOT LISTEN for incoming connection on your local computer. You have to do this by yourself. You have to listen and accept connections. Then, whatever comes through that socket, send to wodSSH.NET through it's Send method. And vice versa - all that comes from wodSSH.NET through Received event, send to your socket. Your app must be involved here.

Hope I didn't dissapoint you, but wanted to say that wodSSH.NET can do it, even it's not its primary purpose.

Hope it helps.

Best regards,

Re: Tunneling Example

by Kevin, Thursday, January 20, 2005, 04:53 (7044 days ago) @ wodSupport

Ok, now i understand how to handle it with the .NET version. I will give it a try OR i'll just use the in process COM object. I'd prefer to stay in the completely managed realm so I will probably go down that path first.
