Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom (wodFtpDLX / wodFtpDLX.NET)

by Cowens, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 21:02 (184 days ago)

Following the documentation and even testing with the sample project for connecting via SFTP Protocol, we still cannot connect via wodFTPDLXCom, and instead are met with a Error 30026 - Failed to Load Key or Certificate. Password Invalid?

We do not have a password associated with our Private Key File.

We can however successfully connect via FileZilla with the same private key file in the same file location.

Looking at the locals window in our VB6 IDE, the certificate class properties HasPrivateKey = true, PrivateKey is also set, as well as the Public Keys.

Any Help in getting this to work would be greatly appreciated

Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Jasmine, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 21:17 (184 days ago) @ Cowens


Was private key loaded correctly using wodKeys? What did you use to generate the key? If it's not generated with WeOnlyDo components, then this is 'alien' key and needs to be changed to OpenSSH format v1.


Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Cowens, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 21:52 (183 days ago) @ Jasmine


Was private key loaded correctly using wodKeys? What did you use to generate the key? If it's not generated with WeOnlyDo components, then this is 'alien' key and needs to be changed to OpenSSH format v1.


The Private Key was loaded using the wodFTPDLXCom.Certificates.LoadKey filename method,

Link to Method Documentation

The private key was generated by outside of WeOnlyDo but I am not certain if its in OpenSSH.

Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Jasmine, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 21:53 (183 days ago) @ Cowens


It was loaded correctly, without errors? Are you able to get PublicKeyOpenSSH from it?


Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Cowens, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 22:15 (183 days ago) @ Jasmine
edited by Cowens, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 22:50


It was loaded correctly, without errors? Are you able to get PublicKeyOpenSSH from it?


I believe so... Here the the public keys that were returned from the Certificate Object after Loading our private key. No errors were returned until we called the Connect Method, which is when we get the "Failed to Load Private Key or Cert..", even though the Certificate Objects properties are filling out with the correct information.

PublicKeyOpenSSH : ssh-rsa A AAAB3Nza....37JnPWHKYLLRJCH4batl

That is shortened by me to fit the single word requirement for posting on the forum, but its true value does aligned with what we have in our public key file.


Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Jasmine, Friday, January 26, 2024, 08:54 (183 days ago) @ Cowens


Hmm, this sounds familiar, I think we had issue like this in the past that we fixed. Are you using the latest version of wodFtpDLX?


Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Cowens, Friday, January 26, 2024, 14:28 (183 days ago) @ Jasmine


Hmm, this sounds familiar, I think we had issue like this in the past that we fixed. Are you using the latest version of wodFtpDLX?


Hey Jasmine

Not using the latest version (3.6.2.X) but we are using the 3.6.1.X version


Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Jasmine, Friday, January 26, 2024, 14:29 (183 days ago) @ Cowens


Any chance you can send me one such key for a test? You can send it to techsupport - at -


Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Cowens, Friday, January 26, 2024, 15:41 (183 days ago) @ Jasmine


Any chance you can send me one such key for a test? You can send it to techsupport - at -


Unfortunately, I am not at the liberty to share a key


Private Key Failing to Connect - Error 30026 in wodFTPDLXCom

by Jasmine, Friday, January 26, 2024, 19:10 (183 days ago) @ Cowens


I'm not sure I can be of more help without duplicating the issue.

I just tried with latest wodFtpDLX, and I used PuttyGen to generate key, exported it to OpenSSH file format, and pasted public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on our test server.

Then I tried to connect to it using wodFtpDLX. Worked without any issues.

So, I can't say what could be different on your side. Can you try the same - generate the key and try with it, so you can share the key with me if needed?
