Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: One to many connection possible for SQL Server (General questions)

by wodsupport, Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 21:09 (4206 days ago) @ nivinbas


There is no one to many connection in wodVPN, they are all one to one . So, on server side you must have 5 instances of wodVPN, each of them having separate name, for example MyServer1 , MyServer2 etc..

On client sides, each side has one wodVPN instance with different names among them, for example MyClient1 , MyClient2 etc..

Then you try to connect one client MyClient1 with one instance of wodVPN on server's side MyServer1 one, and do the forwarding.

You can initialize wodVPN instances on the server side on the fly when they are needed, of course.

Hope this helps!


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