One to many connection possible for SQL Server ? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

One to many connection possible for SQL Server ? (wodVPN)

by nivinbas, Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 19:00 (4202 days ago)


Referring to my previous post I need a peer to peer connection exclusively for SQL Server

Please help me in developing this app which has the following details.

Let say that i have a machine with SQL Server installed and call the PC as MyDBServer

Then I have this five client PCs which runs an inventory billing application. Now these five client PCs are miles away from the server PC called MyDBServer which is in our Accounts Head quarters. And these five billing client PCs are at Super Market. Now all these client PCs are connected via the internet to this MyDBserver .

So, how can i connect these five machines to MyDBserver 's SQL Server via your wodVPN ?

Am I have to create five separate wodVPN instances in MyDBserver PC or just a single instance connected to this client machines ?

Or is there something called one to many connection with wodVPN ?

Please explain in detail.

Hope you will be answering this in detail.

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