Re: How wodVPN Works? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: How wodVPN Works? (General questions)

by Diab, Thursday, June 28, 2012, 17:04 (4585 days ago) @ woddrazen

My server is working now , it was a security issue,Thanks
Now I Want to remove your and put my Mediator.server in the example (Simple Application by C# ).
the code that i used in a console Application in the server

WODVPNCOMLib.wodVPNCom med = new WODVPNCOMLib.wodVPNCom();
med.MediatorConnected +=new WODVPNCOMLib._IwodVPNComEvents_MediatorConnectedEventHandler(med_MediatorConnected);
med.Mediator.Start(WODVPNCOMLib.SearchEnum.SrchUDPSingle, 8000);
Console.WriteLine( Start );

this is in the server
and the client
wodVPN1.Search(WODVPNCOMLib.SearchEnum.SrchUDPSingle, textBox2.Text, MyPublicIPServer , 8000, null);

is that wrong and how can i do this ?
Thanks a lot


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