Re: How wodVPN Works? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: How wodVPN Works? (General questions)

by wodDamir, Monday, June 25, 2012, 13:03 (4484 days ago) @ Diab

Hi Diab,

There is no server in wodVPN. wodVPN is a peer-to-peer component which means that connection is established directly. The only server used is mediator which is used for matching Peer IDs and exchanging IP/Port. Mediator only keeps info IPs for 15s and removes them afterwards. Mediator *doesn't* have to be used if you already know IP/Port info.

You can check following URL in order to see a sample of Mediator script:

As for communication itself, UDP packets are used, and connection is encrypted so noone beside peers can read the data (not even mediator). Also, wodVPN uses UDP hole-punching technique in order to pass through firewalls (*I would suggest you try searching on internet for more info on this term*).

Hope this helps.


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