Re: PeerData Property - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: PeerData Property (General questions)

by Anonymus, Friday, July 13, 2012, 14:35 (4312 days ago) @ wodDamir

Sorry ... Till now I couldn't find the answer for Arg3 usage from
your discussion, But I think you can do it this way:
1- Create your own Winsock Server on your vpn[instance]-server
Side, which must have a known IP,Port to your Client-Sides.
2- Create a Winsock Client on your VPN-peer Client Sides which
can connect to your Winsock Server.
3- your Winsock clients, after successful authentication with your,
Winsock Server, should grant Successful connection.
4- Then Winsock client should Send your vpn peer client credentials
to the Winsock server, which in turn provide it to your VPN
Server instance.
5- The same way Your Winsock Serve should Send your VPN -Server
credentials to your Winsock Client, to be provided in turn to
your VPN peer, then Connecting your VPN's becomes auto matic and
successful if credentials are exact at both sides.
I hope this Helps ... and do what you want it.
I hope I get the Arg3 usage or benefit ... how to be handled ?
Best Regards.

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