Re: How to send a mail with attachment and embedde - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: How to send a mail with attachment and embedde (General questions)

by am, Sunday, May 11, 2008, 20:17 (5921 days ago) @ wodDamir

Thank you very much! it works!

I have anoter question please: Since I use embedded picture, I have to use Message.HTMLText method.
I tried to combine HTMLText and regular text, but found nothing yet. Is it possible?
I want to just put regular text (not HTML), because if I use it as HTML, all the special characters (line feed etc.) are gone.
In fact, I need to customize a mail with: embedded picture + regular text + attachment.

Thanks again!

Hi Am,

Did you try the Attach method?

In sample 8. With embedded picture , just add something like this:

[code]wodSmtp1.Message.Attach C:\ [/code]

The above code should be added before the .SendMessage call.

Can you try that and let me know the result?


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