Re: Example source to create/request SSL Certs - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Example source to create/request SSL Certs (General questions)

by woddrazen, Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 14:33 (5158 days ago) @ amirsky


In order to make certificate request you should use Request Method in wodCertificate. Request will be saved in file. You can then send it to certificate authority and ask for valid certificate.

You can specify Common Name inside CommonName Property.
[code] Dim cert As WODCERTMNGLib.Certificate
cert = New WODCERTMNGLib.Certificate

cert.GenerateKey(0) 'key type, RSA or DSA
cert.CommonName = CN - your domain or server name
cert.Country = US
cert.Email =
cert.Locality = your_country
cert.Organization = your company name
cert.State = your_state
cert.ValidFrom = 'date that certificate will be valid from
cert.ValidTo = 'date that certificate will expire

cert.Request( C:\request.csr )[/code]
More help for Request Method you can find here:


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