Remote Port Forwarding is not working with OpenSSH Server - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Remote Port Forwarding is not working with OpenSSH Server (General questions)

by Jasmine, Tuesday, March 03, 2015, 18:12 (3607 days ago) @ Kedar Babar

Hi Kedar.

I don't think this line is correct:

wodSSHTunnel1.Channels.Add(wodSSHTunnelCOMLib.ForwardTypesEnum.RemoteListen, "", 23, "", 8000);

Second '' makes sense, it means "bind all interfaces" on port 8000.

But first '' would mean 'connect to all interfaces' on port 23, and that is incorrect. Try to change it to

wodSSHTunnel1.Channels.Add(wodSSHTunnelCOMLib.ForwardTypesEnum.RemoteListen, "", 23, "", 8000);

or instead of give real IP of local wodSSHTunnel client, or whereever he needs to redirect remote port.

I hope this helps!

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