Count us as a satisfied WeOnlyDo customer. We appreciate your terrific support to get the secure Telnet working properly.
Fantastic product by the way, it has helped us tremendously on a daily basis. Keep up the good work.
...with a minimum of effort as the DLL interface was written with such simplicity...
...wodFtpDlx was exactly what I needed, it worked, and it was priced right...
Thank you for the great customer service ... I am really impressed with the wodSSH ActiveX control.
Many thanks for your excellent support service. I can see why you have a long list of excellent testimonials on your website.
It is very refreshing to find such helpful, knowledgeable and quick responding technical support.
I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs a good quality SFTP solution.
I've heard that you are amazing with your replies coming back so quickly - and now I've seen the speed in which you reply first hand.