Error Trapping - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Error Trapping (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by GFTJen, Friday, January 27, 2006, 22:04 (6689 days ago)

I am using wodSFTP with ASP and was wondering if there is an easy way to determine if an error is coming from a problem on the SFTP server's (3rd party) end?

I would like to display a message basically saying that the problem is on the server's end so my user's don't call me in the middle of the night when this happens [:wink:]

Thanks in advance!

Re: Error Trapping

by wodSupport, Friday, January 27, 2006, 23:19 (6689 days ago) @ GFTJen


can you give some example? I'm not sure I understood the question. It could be socket related, for example, in which case I'm not sure who to blame.

If you get 30018 then this is defenetely server side error - but still can be fixed on your side.

So, what is exactly server side error?


Re: Error Trapping

by GFTJen, Monday, January 30, 2006, 16:14 (6686 days ago) @ wodSupport

The error messages we received just said General Error and Permission Denied and the line number the error occurred on was the line where SFTP tried to connect to the server.

The problem ended up being on the server's end (they changed the connection settings).

What we want to be able to do is, when an error occurs, tell whether the error is resulting from a problem on our end or a problem on the server's end. If the problem is on the server's end, we'd like to display a message to our users, letting them know that they need to contact the 3rd party that administers the server.


Re: Error Trapping

by wodSupport, Monday, January 30, 2006, 16:16 (6686 days ago) @ GFTJen


I don't think wodSFTP can be clever enough for that. I suggest you somehow make list of errors (based on our errors) for which you think can be fixed, and another list for which you think that cannot be fixed - and show corresponding message to your customer.

I'm sorry, but I doubt it can be better than that.
