??? error 31008 Component was busy and got disconn - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

??? error 31008 Component was busy and got disconn (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by rs4u, Wednesday, August 03, 2005, 08:05 (6867 days ago)

Hi folks,

a user 'complained' about a new error message since upgrading: 31008 Component was busy and got disconnected. :

Just wodering if anyone else is finding that logging on to Web Tunnel has become a near impossible chore.
I keep getting (Disconnected by Server: 31008 Component was busy and got Disconnected by Server).
By the way before I upgraded the Launch Tunnel the message was just (Disconnected by Server).
Secure Tunnel Support had not heard of Error Message 31008.

The help does not provide any more information than the text in the subject.
What exactly does 31008 mean, is it /only/ the servers fault and what might be the possible reasons?

Thank you, Rainer

Re: ??? error 31008 Component was busy and got dis

by wodSupport, Wednesday, August 03, 2005, 08:34 (6867 days ago) @ rs4u


it's exactly what it says. Everything was well, there were no problems, and suddenly connection was dropped in the middle of the work. I guess winsock would return 'connection reset by peer', but since this isn't winsock error (since no error is provided in FD_CLOSE callback) we return our own.

I can't give better explanation, sorry.

When does it happen? Can you find any pattern for the behavior?

Re: ??? error 31008 Component was busy and got dis

by rs4u, Wednesday, August 03, 2005, 08:57 (6867 days ago) @ wodSupport

Hi Kreso,

first off: Thank you! Brilliant support as ever!
All I got until now is that one single message I posted. I have no access to the server in question. But as I try to give as good support as you always do I just started investigating the issue.

A few issues you might think about:
I admit that the naming is a bit confusing. When I use a component and this component gives the error component was busy... my first thought is 'components fault'. One might better name it Disconnected by server w/o specific error code or Server dropped connection unexpectedly or so.
It would be great if such explanations were to be found in the error messages section of the help delivered with the product. It saved all of us work and time.
Wouldn't it be helpful if equivalent error messages had the same number across different products? I made a search for 31008 before posting here, but as the error is numbered 30029 in wodSFTP I haven't found http://www.weonlydo.com/index.asp?forum=1&action=view&topic=1097780526#1097780526 which had explained it to me.

Anyway, thanks alot and have a great day!

Re: ??? error 31008 Component was busy and got dis

by rs4u, Wednesday, August 03, 2005, 10:03 (6867 days ago) @ rs4u

I admit that the naming is a bit confusing. When I use a component and this component gives the error component was busy... my first thought is 'components fault'. One might better name it Disconnected by server w/o specific error code or Server dropped connection unexpectedly or so.

Another thought that just came to my mind: More clear error messages helped your customers reduce support effort.
I guess a message disconnected by server is less likely to cause the average user (of your customers products) to ask your customer for product support than a Component was busy .
Often software vendors and service provider are not the same person.

HTH, Rainer

Re: ??? error 31008 Component was busy and got dis

by wodSupport, Wednesday, August 03, 2005, 19:32 (6866 days ago) @ rs4u


but I see 31008 at


list. I know we could have a debate if wording is good or bad :) but we made a decision long time ago and cannot change it. Also, it cannot be different error number since errors are different among components.