catch the wodSSHCom.1 error '800a9899' - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

catch the wodSSHCom.1 error '800a9899' (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by nick, Wednesday, July 06, 2005, 10:28 (6894 days ago)

I get this error in a random way ,
I usually check the output of commands executed by SSH.Execute
but in this way doesen't work.

I'm using it from an ASP page and the error stop
my ASP page at the SSH.Connect line.

If I do a reload it works...

how can I catch that error ? What's the problem that causes that
type of error ?

thanks and best regards

Re: catch the wodSSHCom.1 error '800a9899'

by wodSupport, Wednesday, July 06, 2005, 10:57 (6894 days ago) @ nick


please download wodSSH again, this error does not happen with version that can be downloaded from our website.