sign and verify using .pfx files - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

sign and verify using .pfx files (General questions)

by mauricio, Thursday, February 17, 2005, 14:05 (7030 days ago)

hi guys its me again...

VB6 code :

Dim oCert as new Certificate
Dim oCrypt as wodCryptCom
Dim hashBlob as new MemBlob
Dim signBlob as new MemBlob

oCert.LoadKey useDrive & genexus.pfx ' self signed pfx
oCert.Load useDrive & genexus.pfx
lblOWNER.Caption = oCert.CommonName & < & oCert.Email & >
hashBlob.Text = QPxo1S95hM2nLzgcVKq5sg==
Set oCrypto = New wodCryptCom
oCrypto.Type = RSA
oCrypto.Padding = PadPKCS7
oCrypto.SecretKey = * how can I load private key from oCert ????
oCrypto.Sign hashBlob, signBlob


when I would try to verify how can I load public key from oCert before oCrypto.Verify(hashBlob,signBlob) ???

thank you again.

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