Format of Directory Listing - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Format of Directory Listing (General questions)

by Jan, Wednesday, February 16, 2005, 10:37 (7031 days ago)

I list an ftp directory and wonder why
sometimes is the first item
an dir item and sometimes total ... .
The format is different from Server to Server.
Is there any other method to get a directory list (file list)?

pFtpCom->get_ListItem (&bstrList);
_bstr_t lst = bstrList;
LPWSTR wlst = lst;
wprintf (L s , wlst);

case 1:
02-14-05 01:27PM 12354 file.rar

case 2:
total 34
-rwxrwxr-x 1 10490 100 8400 Nov 21 23:25 app.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 10490 100 5120 Mar 18 2001 file.txt




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