File size grows when POST UPLOAD (wodHttp) - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

File size grows when POST UPLOAD (wodHttp) (General questions)

by ihutee, Monday, May 14, 2012, 09:12 (4374 days ago)

I am using wodHttp to create personal t.w.i.t.t.e.r. accounts and edit the profiles with related images. The file size GROWS as I upload images. Even after I clear the http.request.formpost. I assume its because it loads the picture into the memory.

I've used the http.request.formpost.removeall command which removes all the data. MY problem is it stays somewhere floating in the memory. So now my program that only uses 10 megs of ram, after running for say 1 hour.. It is 500 megs.

I know it is 100 related to uploading images. I have it as active-x on my form. Should I UNLOAD HTTP after each end/successful use?

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