Re: wodSFTP ActiveX with PrivateKey authentication - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: wodSFTP ActiveX with PrivateKey authentication (General questions)

by wodSupport, Monday, August 02, 2004, 03:31 (7199 days ago) @ koo


I'm sorry I didn't send you example yet - I'm out of town (vacation times...) and couldn't get my hands on Delphi at the moment. I hope I'll be able to do it middle of August.

About your code - assuming you got no errors, only thing I can think is that wodSFTP was destroyed while trying to connect. Did you declare it as local? If so, set Blocking = 1.

What kind of server are you connecting to? OpenSSH? If so, I suggest you telnet to the server (yes, telnet, not ssh, with some other client), stop SSH service, and start it in debug mode, with

sshd -ddd

command. This way you can see actual errors you're getting, and perhaps find some way out of it.

One more thing - seems that 'Connect' method is a reserved word in Delphi. Sometimes wodSFTP's Connect method will be renamed to Connect1 by Delphi wrappers. Can you check this? Perhaps you didn't initiate connection at all?

As for VB samples, there should be samples in Program Files\WeOnlyDo.Com\wodSFTP\Samples\XYZ, many of them, even for Delphi. Can you take a look?


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