Re: Working with keys - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Working with keys (General questions)

by wodDamir, Friday, August 12, 2011, 15:19 (4643 days ago) @ sstyer


Keys work so that both client and server each have one. However, while client has a PrivateKey (which includes public key), server only has the public part of the key. When you connect to a server, client (wodFtpDLX) provides the key referenced in PrivateKey property, and server verifies if the two match.

Keys are usually stored in files.

You didn't specify which component you're using, but here's a sample code of using keys in wodFtpDLX ActiveX:

The same basically applies to .Net version, except in that case you would use wodKeyManager and it's ToXMLString method to pass key reference.

Hope this helps.


Complete thread:


  • Working with keys - sstyer, 2011-08-12, 15:01 [*]
    • Re: Working with keys - wodDamir, 2011-08-12, 15:19