Re: Connecting multiple peers - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Connecting multiple peers (General questions)

by wodDamir, Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 12:25 (4742 days ago) @ Psychocryo


We don't have such samples simply because they're no different then the ones already included into the distribution.

You just need to add another instance of wodVPN object, set it's properties to connect to a different peer, and connect.

Since you have one instance connected to one peer, the other instance connected to other peer. In other words, you would have following objects declared (VB6 syntax):

Dim wodVPN1 as wodVPNCom
Dim wodVPN2 as wodVPNCom

wodVPN1 would in this case connect to Peer A, wodVPN2 would connect to Peer B.

The same would apply to second, third, etc. peer.

Hope this helps.


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