wodWebServer - bug report - QueryVariables - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodWebServer - bug report - QueryVariables (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by Micke, Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 23:42 (5229 days ago)

Hello again,

I have found (what I believe) to be a bug in QueryVariables when parsing the http request into names and values. With the current model I think its impossible to transfer + (plus sign) in e.g. a php request.

for examples, string below:

uid=12&id=C 3A 5C-+- 5C

SHOULD correctly be encoded to:


BUT is encoded to :

uid=12&id=C:-- (without the plus sign)

By the way: I would appreciate in future version if you can exposed the encoding/decoding functions for public calls. This would be handy for VB6 users:)


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