Re: FTPS Implicit - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: FTPS Implicit (General questions)

by cvmbor, Monday, July 27, 2009, 15:37 (5410 days ago) @ woddrazen

I think the problem is with the random data port that is selected. I found where it picks 3000-3010 but when we watched our session, 3025 was the port selected. I have read where it is possible to give it a range of ports to select from. Is this possible in wodFtpDLX?



Hi Craig,

FTPS Implicit protocol in wodFtpDLX by default uses port 990. You can change that port to 21 or some other using wodFtpDLX Port Property.

You can specify active or passive connection using wodFtpDLX Passive Property. When you set Passive Property to True passive connection will be used. If False is selected active connection will be used.

Can you try that please and let us know how it goes.


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