Re: Application freezing on Windows 7 - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Application freezing on Windows 7 (General questions)

by woddrazen, Friday, July 24, 2009, 00:07 (5390 days ago) @ coollupo


Using wodSSHTunnel.exe instead wodSSHTunnel.ocx actually will not require changing wodSSHTunnel code. Code should be same only maybe you will need to change implementation of wodSSHTunnel Events and other in your programming environment.

When wodSSHTunnel and DB code is in separate threads they should work without interfering with each other.

In blocking mode when you send some command to server code is stop doing anything else until the server responds. In non-blocking mode when you send command you just continue doing whatever you need to do. Sooner or later the server will send you a response and an event gets triggered notifying you about the command you have received.


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