Re: Trying to connect for the first time with SFTP - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Trying to connect for the first time with SFTP (General questions)

by wodSupport, Friday, June 18, 2004, 20:25 (7251 days ago) @ tonylang


if you're connecting TO IIS I think you don't need SFTP. You might want to try wodFtpDLX, and set Protocol = FTPS.

wodSFTP uses SFTP protocol and requires SSH server to be installed, running usually on port 22.

wodFtpDLX can do SFTP, but also FTPS (FTP+SSL) which I think you need here. Point it to port 21 (or even 990 if working in implicit mode) and try again.

What language/environment are you using on the client side? If you're attacking *from* IIS don't forget to set Blocking = True!


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