Re: Upload Example - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Upload Example (General questions)

by ActiveGreg, Monday, March 09, 2009, 01:04 (5537 days ago) @ wodDamir


Thanks for replying... I was looking at the Upload File example, and that's what I'm trying to accomplish.

Like that example, there is a form on the server that handles file uploading.

There are several sites that I want to upload to at once instead of waiting for each file to finish... You know, sort of like you can download more than one file at a time through explorer.

The example, Upload file to the server , uses the component without using the 'IwodHttpNotify interface'.

I just wondered if I could use the 'IwodHttpNotify interface' to upload 3 files simultaneously.

From your response, I would guess 'yes'.



Hi Greg,

Did you by any chance check the samples we have written that come with our distribution?

We have 2 samples, 1 with File Upload, and one with only posting data using a web form. The same approach can be used with Notification interface as well.


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