Re: Sample code now don't work for me - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Sample code now don't work for me (General questions)

by Skc, Monday, December 03, 2007, 05:35 (5990 days ago) @ woddrazen

I am using PROGRESS 4GL Version 10 It is a high-level language similar to Powerbuilder.
Connect does not return any error but Post or Get returns error.
Sample PROGRESS code:

define variable mcom as com-handle.
CREATE WeOnlyDo.wodHttpDLXCom mcom.
mcom:Blocking = TRUE.
mcom:Timeout = 15.

mcom:Hostname = .
mcom:Request:URI = /HttpDLX/Demo/TestFormPost.asp .
MESSAGE mcom:URL skip
mcom:Lasterror mcom:LasterrorText
/* No-error at this point */

mcom:Request:FormPost:Add ( Username , joe ) .
mcom:Request:FormPost:Add ( Password , joe ).
mcom:Post . /*Error 10053 */

I have reloaded WodHttpDLX 1.5.4 version but there is no difference. How did I get it working 2 months ago? Strange.

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