PutFile and Resume - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

PutFile and Resume (wodFtpDLX / wodFtpDLX.NET)

by r0m1k, Friday, November 30, 2007, 17:23 (6015 days ago)

Resume transfer don't start after abort. I make small vbs test script:
On Error Resume Next
objFTP.Passive = 0
objFTP.Blocking = 1

objFTP.TransferMode = 0
objFTP.Resume = 0
objFTP.PutFile C:\bigFile.iso , /newFolder/simple.out
objFTP.Resume = 1
objFTP.PutFile C:\bigFile.iso , /newFolder/simple.out


Sub wod_Done(ErrorCode, ErrorText)
WScript.Echo Done: & ErrorCode
End Sub

Sub wod_Progress(pos, total)
If(pos > 5242880) Then objFTP.Abort
End Sub

First PutFile generate exception, and on second PutFile instantly come Done event with ErrorCode=0. File not continue uploading.

As server use fresh downloaded FileZilla server.


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